Thursday, March 13, 2008

Free Money Making Ideas Lesson #2

Why Is Blogging and Pinging The Newest Marketing Tool?

Most of you are now saying, “Yea, so?? I can get my site indexed now. What’s the big
deal?” The big deal is that blogging and pinging gets your site indexed almost
immediately AND it is FREE!!!

If you have any experience trying to get a site indexed and listed in the major search
engines, then you know that it is frustrating and very difficult to get done in a reasonable
amount of time. After working hard to get your site together, collecting and writing
content, worrying about keywords and keyword densities, you are not even close to
finished. Now comes the even harder part! Now you have to submit, by hand, your site
to all the major search engines. And finally, you get to wait.

That’s right, you have to wait for the spiders to come index your site. This could take
weeks or this could take months. There are some methods that will help bring along the
spiders a bit faster, but these take lots of time and effort and money. And still, you can’t
be sure that the spiders will come fast enough.

Blogging and pinging solves this problem. You can guarantee that spiders will come to
your site and that you will get listed in all the major search engines with minimal effort
and no money – in about 48 hours!!! Which means you will start getting Traffic Which means You will start making Money.

How does it work?

The largest search engine, Google, owns This is the site we will use to help you create your blogs. Google sends their search engine spiders through to find new content.

When you blog the content on your site – an extremely easy process Which i will explain later in Detail.

The URL of the page you are blogging is automatically attached. That way,
when Google’s spiders come along, they “see” the URL. If that URL isn’t listed in the
Google database, the spiders “run right over” to the URL and check it out!

Imagine that the URL found on the blog is YOUR site! Rather than wait for weeks,
months, or even up to a year, you can get YOUR site listed immediately! Google
themselves will tell you that they would rather “discover” new URL’s by finding links than
get them via submission. So, why not blog and ping and give them what they want!!

Another good piece of news is that once Google has your site, other search engines
that use Google’s feed will put you on their site, too. And it all happens at lightening

Another technique you will learn here is how to get Yahoo to send their news spiders your way. Just like Google, Yahoo is looking for fresh content. And once they pick up your site, so will others.

Finally, I will show you how to ping other services like Technorati and
So why would you want to be on these sites? One word: traffic. Services like
Technorati spider your links in real time. If you show up on someone’s Technorati link
list for their site they’re likely to visit your site to see what you said, increasing your

For More Information And Free Marketing Ideas Stay In Touch @

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